Psalm 121

Why was born from the desire to ACT in a manner united with the thoughts and teachings of 2 biblical texts.

  • Psalm 121 (which lends to a portion of ur name) describes for me how our Judeo Christian God, as his divine plan, has been and always will be with us during our lives and life’s trials.
  • The portion of Matthew 25 where Jesus shares the corporal works of mercy – feed the hungry, offer drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and our sharing of time and talents with the unwelcome, lonely and imprisoned.

As these are corporal works, they are interpreted to be a practical means of assistance – actual food for the hungry, actual drink to the thirsty, actual clothing for the naked, and actually sharing our time with others.  Althgouh relatively simple concepts, they are difficult for some to see as a clear path to act for fulfilling the needs of others.  How can one person, in the normal course of their lives have an impact on another person?

This is the point of  We hope to ACT as a guide for small and simple methods used to meet our mission.  We’ve put together a few simple methods to help anyone, help someone.  We hope you read through these ideas and will be able to do some advance preparation for providing relief to someone you may encounter in the normal course of your day.  We also recognize there are people with much better ideas to share with us.  We want to be a point of exchanging these great ideas for the benefit of those in need.  Please share your ideas and experiences with us, we’ll review and post here for all.

Can we change the world with such small and simple actions?  We believe that our small efforts can indeed become and Archimedes fulcrum to help move the world toward a better place.  More importantly is each person’s spiritual movement with the performance of such corporal works of mercy.

Psalm 121:8 – The LORD will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.

We’re helping with the “now” part.


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